I have been a self-help junkie for the better part of 30 years. We had very little money when I was growing up. So, we had to resort to low-cost, resourceful solutions to whatever we were working on for school, 4-H, neighborhood kid projects, etc.
I was at the local public library so much to do various kinds of "kid" research that, Mrs. Bennett, the librarian put me to work on the card catalog and putting books away in their proper place, when she was backed up with returns. It shouldn't be a surprise that I discovered encyclopedias at the library. I grew to love them so much, that although we had no money whatsoever, mom bought us a complete World Book Encyclopedia set followed by Encyclopedia Britannica a few years later. These were expensive. They took years for mom to pay off. But they were great to have.
This was in the 1970s when there weren't any computers of any kind at home. Only Fortune 100 companies had multi-million dollar computers for their back-end accounting systems, if they were lucky. We were so fortunate to have reliable information at our finger tips at home. It allowed you to start learning about whatever you were curious about as soon as you were ready to!
Of course in high school and college, there were a lot of books you had to read. At some point in my mid to late twenties, I started to read books on the things that interested me independent of work and school. They included alternative remedies for degenerative conditions, dressage (a form of horseback riding), flower and vegetable gardening, and also matters of life, heart and soul. And it was in this last area that a lot of reading, pondering and discussion has occurred over many years.
In my career, I ended up specializing in and being a consultant for software engineering effectiveness and efficiency, at a number of these Fortune 100 companies. I realized over time that work organization, planning and execution concepts that are often foreign to these big boys, are commonly foreign to individuals as well. Just substitute life for work.
A picture is worth a thousand words. So, a one of a kind graphical model and corresponding set of tools began to emerge in my mind and on paper for how a person could adequately pursue having their life actually reflect what they really care about. It doesn't matter who you are. When you step back and deliberately do this, things change. It might be barely noticeable at first. And over some time, it's often dramatic.
Bottom line, your life will have more moments of happiness and joy! And, this is simply the result of you taking control, where it is possible to, and making continual tweaks to your plan and priorities based on new information coming in. Yes, certain things at certain times are out of your control. But there are areas and things that can be changed. And this will affect your life in very positive ways!
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